
Thank you for donating

MRHarvey Ministries can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from people like yourself. Without these donations, serving the ministers who come to Ezekiel Retreat Center would not be possible.

Since our organization relies on the generosity of individuals like you, we ask you to consider a donation to our cause. By clicking Donate button in the One Time Gift section, or in the Monthly Recurring gift section, you are enabling us to offer this needed ministry to the men and women of God, who have counted themselves, and been counted by others, knocked out and down for the count.

Whether a one time gift or a recurring monthly donation, your gift, great or small, is very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


By clicking this button, you agree to a One Time Gift in the amount of your choosing being drafted from your account today and today only. Thank you for your generosity.